miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Every day songs

I was asked by the students from Raccoons to please share these songs we sung every day in the mornings. I am sure they would like to share them with their family members and they will love to sing along with them during summer. 

Days of the Week 

Days of the Week 2

Macarena Months

Months of the Year Song

The Big Numbers Song

Shapes Song

Songs in English

Here are many songs I am sure Raccoons will like to share with their family. We learned a different song per week. Usually danced to it or made a fun game out of it. 

Who Took the Cookie?

One Little Finger


The Skeleton Dance

Eeney Meeney Miney Moe

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Little Snowflake

Ten In The Bed

Go Away!


Here are some pictures of our last week of recess, we had a great time in the different patios and learned to play and share with all our classmates always respecting their personal space. We also learned to take turns while playing and to listen to our friend’s opinion. 

Reccess on PhotoPeach

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Airplane Race in the playground.

In science we were learning the difference between fast and slow and recognized what object we see in our daily life that represent these speeds. We used airplanes and toy cars. We had a great time learning to make and decorating our own fast airplanes. After we went to an open space where to see what airplanes went the farthest and fastest.  

Airplane Race on PhotoPeach

Our visit to INTAP. 

We did many fun things; feed the animals, learn about how animal grow and what they eat, clean the soil and decorate the flower pot to plant our own plants. 

Here are a few pictures of our visit to INTAP on PhotoPeach

Making your own Sand Castles

Here we are in English class, making our own Sand Castle in groups of two or three. We had a great time using our imagination and pretending we were immersed in the book read to us previously “The Sand Castle”. We learned to work as a group by listening to the opinion of our friends. 

Making your own Sand Castles on PhotoPeach
"Walking Walking" song to play with your puppet at home and dance around you livign room!

 Have Fun!!!

In this slide show you can see our beautiful puupets that we made and decorated in English class. We used them to sing along to a song "Walking Walking".

Puppets on PhotoPeach

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Completar la Figura

En clase de español trabajamos completar la figura. Los niños se ordenaron en grupos logrando completarlas con facilidad. Al final las decoraron de forma libre, utilizando una variedad de materiales. Aquí pueden ver como terminaron los trabajos. 

Completar la Figura on PhotoPeach

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Song of the week


♫ Hickory dickory dock. [Clap your hands.]
 The mouse went up the clock. [Mouse gesture.]
 The clock struck one. [Hold up one finger.]
 The mouse went down. [Mouse gesture.]
 Hickory dickory dock. [Clap your hands.]
 Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. [Clock gesture.] 
A snake.
 Hickory dickory dock.
 The snake went up the clock. [Snake gesture.] 
The clock struck two. [Count to two with your fingers.]
 The snake went down. [Snake gesture.]
 Hickory dickory dock.
 Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. 
A squirrel.
 Hickory dickory dock.
 The squirrel went up the clock. [Squirrel gesture.]
 The clock struck three. [Count to three with your fingers.] 
The squirrel went down. [Squirrel gesture.]
 Hickory dickory dock.
 Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. 
A cat.
 Hickory dickory dock.
 The cat went up the clock. [Cat gesture.]
 The clock struck four. [Count to four with your fingers.] 
The cat went down. [Cat gesture.]
 Hickory dickory dock. 
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. 
A monkey.
 Hickory dickory dock.
 The monkey went up the clock. [Monkey gesture.]
 The clock struck five. [Count to five with your fingers.]
 The monkey went down. [Monkey gesture.]
 Hickory dickory dock.
 Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. 
An elephant?! Oh no!
 Hickory dickory dock
 The elephant went up the clock. [Elephant gesture.]
 Oh no! [Fall down.] Hickory dickory dock. ♫ 

ORT. One Wheel

This is the book of last week, have fun reading it!

Number Tracing Worksheet

Here are the numbers we are working on this week! Have fun tracing the numbers!

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Letter N song

Here is the letter N song that you like. Have fun discovering new words that contain the letter N.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013


Listen to:

Franklin Goes to School and remember how your first day at school was...